The last sixteen months have been frustrating and angering. The overlords of Fitzwalkerstan have ignored our voice. They behaved as though we did not matter.
Today is the day those of us who live and work in Wisconsin get our say. Voters like you and me, speaking together through the ballot box will defeat the big money. We will turn back the lies. We will make history.
There were 60,000 plus more votes cast in Dane County in 2008 than in 2010. That is more than enough additional votes today to defeat Scott Walker, just here in Dane County. When you cast your vote today, know that tens of thousands of volunteers have been actively working the past two weeks, knocking doors and making phone calls. This community is mobilized like never before.
Polls open at 7:00 am and stay open until 8:00 pm tonight, but why wait. Vote early and savor your revenge that much sooner. If you took advantage of early voting, congratulations and thank you. Log onto the
Wisconsion Government Accountability website to find your polling place.
Wisconsin same day registration is still in effect. So, even if you have never voted before in Wisconsin, just bring along a current utility bill or something that shows you have lived in the neighborhood for 28 days and you can register on the spot. It’s easy.
Here are a few other things you can do to help even more. Every one of these will make a difference in the outcome.
1) Remind three co-workers to vote.
2) Call your relatives in Rhinelander and Appleton and remind them to vote.
3) Check with the folks who live around you to see whether they have made it to the polls. Offer to give them a ride.
4) Pull out your cell phone or address book and dial friends, acquaintances; folks you haven’t talked with for a while and ask them to vote for Tom Barrett.
5) Head down to the Labor Temple at 1609 S. Park St and volunteer to make phone calls or knock doors. Shifts will run all day until the polls close.
Vote for Tom Barrett and Mahlon Mitchell today. Make your voice heard in the mighty chorus that is saying, “Your pink slip has arrived.”
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