Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Robin Hood in Reverse

Congressional republicans are giving a great imitation of the Prince John and the Sherriff of Nottingham. By now we know that they are dead set on maintain tax cuts for the wealthy. No surprise there; they have always protected the interest of the 1%. What most Americans do not know is that hidden is their budget repair proposal is an average $900 tax increase for middle and low-income families. Yes, the GOP really is robbing the poor to give to the rich.

Their proposal would remove the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit that millions of working families depend on. This cynical effort to balance the budget on the backs of those least able to pay highlights the evil of their unbridled greed.

Yes, there is class warfare being waged in our Nation; and evil republicans are the aggressors. Removing the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit to pay for tax cuts to the wealthy is just cruel.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Americans Want Made in the USA

Big business says, "workers should learn to live on less." Americans say, "quit outsourcing our jobs." An NBC/Wall Street Journal poll shows that most our us who work for a living want to see jobs come back here. A recent Center for American Progress article highlights those feelings.

While the AFL-CIO is right that we want to buy things Made in America, we often work against our own best interests. Three quarters of our economic activity every year is generated by consumers. Fat cats might control 85% of the wealth, but our huge numbers and the ability of the 99% to turn money over many times a year (velocity) makes our spending much more important.

That means you and I must take responsibility for how we spend our money. Stop shopping at retailers like Walmart that import cheap mechandice from overseas. These same retailers use their buying power to force manufactures to exploit their workers. Shop at responsible retailers.

Buy less stuff and pay attention to where it is made. BUY UNION, BUY LOCAL, BUY AMERICAN. Not only will you be protecting your job and those of your neighbors, you'll have less cheap crap cluttering up your basement and garage. No need for garage sales every couple years. Most importantly, you will be doing your part for our economy. A great source of information about responsible shopping is the Label Letter, published by the AFL-CIO Union Label & Service Trades Department.

State and local taxes, like consumer income, gets pumped back into economy almost as fast as it is taken in. We need to tell our elected officials the same message. BUY UNION, BUY LOCAL, BUY AMERICAN. They will listen, if we tell them it is a priority. Lobby your elected offcials. Hold their feet to the fire when they propose contract bidding standards; forcing them to make how they spend our taxes as important as how much much they spend.

How you spend your money matters and how your tax dollars are spend matters too. The jobs you save may be your own.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

WRS Presentation

Nothing to Celebrate in Rural WI Schools

Make no mistake, the decision by republicans in the 2011-2013 WI budget were designed to make punish poor school districts. Of the $792 million in school aids cut over two years, $749 million came from equalizing funds. That means that rich and predominantly republican school districts in places like Waukesha saw only a very small reductions, while poor districts got hammered.

According to the Wisconsin Budget Project, "the deep cuts to school equalization aid are widening the rift between rich and poor school districts. The findings from a UW analysis by James Shaw and Carolyn Kelley make us worry that there will be a wider achievement gap for students as well. For example, they found that:

- High-poverty districts had their state aid reduced by $703 per student in the 2011-12 school year, while low poverty districts lost just $319 per student.

- Public school staffing was reduced by 5.7% in high-poverty districts in 2011-12, compared to 1.1% in low-poverty districts."

Rural school districts are especially hard hit. State school aid cuts are compounded by falling property values to cripple schools already fighting falling enrollment. While suburban schools escape with little impact, kids outside Dane and Waukesha counties bear the brunt of the republican cuts.