In their rush to save the world from economic ruin, ensure universal access to healthcare and protect gay service members, President Obama and the Democrats in Congress missed on vita task. By neglecting to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, they allowed the right-wing to maintain its most potent weapon against democracy.
It is difficult to imagine the rapid development of the Tea Party absent the propaganda machine that is Fox News. Fair and balance content would have similarly spelled the death of syndicated right-wing shock jocks. Restoring impartiality on the public airwaves could have prevented the (you know what) storm we faced in 2010.
Redistricting is a direct result of progressives neglecting the electoral side of politics and focusing on policy. Sure we were facing the toughest economy in a century. Yes, we had two wars going on a half a world away. The possibility for healthcare reform never looked better than it did in the spring of 2009. Discounting the resolve and tools of the right-wing was a huge mistake. If we ever find ourselves in possession of the levers of power again, we must look to preserving first those aspects of our democracy that form its foundation. My fear is that opportunity may be lost to our generation. The clouds are forming and we are facing down a storm that threatens to extinguish the flame of freedom in America.