By now, most of you have seen the “divide and conquer” video clip. This is the smoking gun that provides definitive proof about the motives of Walker and the evil republicans in Wisconsin’s GOP. In case you missed some of the dialog between Scott Walker and billionaire Diane Hendricks, was a transcript made by JSOnline.
This video shows first that Walker lied when he said that destroying public sector collective bargaining was about balancing the budget. It is clear that it was about destroying unions themselves.
Second, public sector employees are not the end game. The stated purpose of the overlords of Fitzwalkerstan is to destroy ALL unions, public and private sector.
Why is this such a big deal? All of the common benefits most of us take for granted; weekends, sick time, vacations, health insurance, workers compensation, health and safety regulation; were won by unions. Corporate profits were up in the past two years. In 2010, a whopping 97% of all wage increase dollars went to the top 1% of American workers. Union workers fared better than non-union workers. Clearly, there is money to pay workers more. It is the unbounded greed of billionaires, like the one featured in this video, which drives their desire to crush the only voice for working folks.
The code word “right-to-work” is their means of destroying the voice of working people. When unions win collective bargaining rights, they typically demand that contracts include a “union shop” clause. Once an employee, who is covered by the contract, is hired, he or she must join the union and pay dues. This is fair for three reasons: 1) a majority of coworkers have voted to say they want to be part of the union; 2) all employees get the same wages, benefits and working conditions which are better than non-union workers at other employers; and 3) federal law requires that a certified union represent all of those in the bargaining unit, regardless of whether they are members of not.
So-called “right-to-work” language says that employees are not required to join the union. However, because federal law says that the union is still required to represent them. Likewise, they are entitled to the same wages, benefits and working conditions as their dues paying union brothers and sisters. This means that employees are allowed to freeload on their union coworkers.
Many states in the south have “right-to-work” laws that prohibit union shop language and thus permit freeloading. The result of this open shop language is that membership in begins to fall. As the number of union members at a company declines, so does their ability to negotiate wage increases and strong benefits. The ultimate aim of the employer is to erode union membership to the point where they can instigate a decertification election and get rid of the union completely. Barring they, the company can weaken the union to the point where it no longer has any effective power. Wages in “right-to-work” states are lower and benefits are weaker than in union shop states.
Just as important, workers in union shops have an effective advocate when the boss disregards the contract. The boss cannot hand out overtime to his buddies, deny vacation requests to those he doesn’t like or insult workers in front of their co-workers. These dignity and justice issues are just as important as wages and benefits, and they unions are the only way workers can have a voice.
The “divide and conquer” video was shot several weeks before Walker dropped the bomb in February, 2011. The timing of his remarks make it clear that Walker and the Fitzgerald brothers calculated their actions to attack all working families, regardless of whether they work in the public or private sector.
Okay, it is clear why the likes of Diane Hendricks wants to kill unions; greed. What is in it for evil republicans? The answer there is the other word; power. Unions are major contributors to Democratic candidates. Since business outspends unions $12 to $1, however, contributions cannot be to reason. The real value that unions bring to the political arena is volunteers. Union members volunteer their time in huge numbers; making phone calls, knocking on doors, putting up yard signs, and helping folks get to the polls on Election Day.
Let’s be clear, other than a handful of paid coordinators, union campaign workers are rank and file members who freely give of their time to help with campaigns. Those big unions bosses that the media holds up as evil demons cannot compel their members to give up their free time, workers do it because they want to elect politicians who will stand up for them.
Private sector workers found out in November just how what Diane Hendricks and the Wisconsin Manufactures and Commerce (WMC) overlords have in store for them. CEO of Manitowoc Crane, and former Chair of WMC, demanded his union machinists accept "right-to-work" language in their contract. International Association of Machinist (IAM) members and Manitowoc crane voted 180-2 against that contract and went out on strike. After two months, Manitowoc Crane brought in scab strike breakers and force IAM workers to accept open shop language.
Encouraged by Manitowoc Crane, management at Ashland Industries made the same demands of their workers. There too, IAM members voted 40-0 against open shop language and went out on strike. Ashland Industries bosses then brought in strike breakers of their own. The pattern is set and clear as a bell for all who have eyes to see. This is the final push by the 1% to kill unions and the voice of workers forever.
On June 5th, Wisconsin voters will decide which vision of our state will prevail. Electing Tom Barrett and Mahlon Mitchell will restore balance to state government and say “yes, ‘elections have consequences;’ so do lies and deception.”